I'm having an issue where I enter for example, "exit l" and it works for the command which is incorrect and if I enter exit it doesn't work I check to see if the next token is empty but I don't know if I'm doing it right. I think if I check for the next token I should get a 0 or in another check style NULL;
while (exitloop != 1){ // do the user commands
//TODO fix for mem issue
char userinput[1000];
char delim[4] = " ";
printf("[**]Enter Command: ");
fgets(userinput, 1000, stdin);
int userinputlen = strlen(userinput);
userinput[userinputlen] = '\0';
char first_token[5];
char second_token[100];
char extra[100];
strcpy(first_token, strtok(userinput, " "));
first_token[strlen(first_token)] = '\0';
printf("%s", first_token);
if (strcmp(first_token, "exit") == 0) { // exit "done"
printf("igot in exit");
if (strtok(0,delim) == 0){ // test
perror("[-] input for exit incorrect....\n");
} else {
const char quit = 'Q';
char cmdbuff[1];
if (send(socketfd, &quit, 1, 0) < 0){
perror("[-] Error in sending request.....\n");
} else {
recv(socketfd, cmdbuff, sizeof(cmdbuff),0);
if (strcmp(&cmdbuff[0],"A") !=0) {
exitloop = 0;
perror("[-] Erorr exit failed on server side....\n");
} else {
printf("[+] Sucessful exit...\n");
exitloop = 1;
} else if (strcmp(first_token,"ls") == 0) { // ls
I fixed this problem by replacing the \n with \0 on a while loop