I am trying to get the max hits (throughput) per minute to the request URLs for each day from the alb logs. I used the table projections to partition the table. Trying to figure out the query to get the desired result for max hits per minute for all the urls for last 1-3 years. The result should look like this (just a sample, the timestamp can be in any format)
Timestamp | Url | Max Hits Per Min |
12-29-2019 8:01 AM | url1 | 10720 |
12-29-2019 10:35 AM | url2 | 21329 |
12-29-2019 10:35 AM | url3 | 37420 |
12-30-2019 11:53 AM | url1 | 5898 |
12-30-2019 01:30 PM | url2 | 14230 |
12-30-2019 05:19 PM | url3 | 20000 |
The table creation query:
type string,
time string,
elb string,
client_ip string,
client_port int,
target_ip string,
target_port int,
request_processing_time double,
target_processing_time double,
response_processing_time double,
elb_status_code string,
target_status_code string,
received_bytes bigint,
sent_bytes bigint,
request_verb string,
request_url string,
request_proto string,
user_agent string,
ssl_cipher string,
ssl_protocol string,
target_group_arn string,
trace_id string,
domain_name string,
chosen_cert_arn string,
matched_rule_priority string,
request_creation_time string,
actions_executed string,
redirect_url string,
lambda_error_reason string,
target_port_list string,
target_status_code_list string,
classification string,
classification_reason string
PARTITIONED BY ( `partition_date` string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
'serialization.format' = '1',
'input.regex' =
'([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*):([0-9]*) ([^ ]*)[:-]([0-9]*) ([-.0-9]*) ([-.0-9]*) ([-.0-9]*) (|[-0-9]*) (-|[-0-9]*) ([-0-9]*) ([-0-9]*) \"([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (- |[^ ]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" ([A-Z0-9-]+) ([A-Za-z0-9.-]*) ([^ ]*) \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" ([-.0-9]*) ([^ ]*) \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^ ]*)\" \"([^\s]+?)\" \"([^\s]+)\" \"([^ ]*)\" \"([^ ]*)\"')
LOCATION 's3://your-alb-logs-directory/AWSLogs/<ACCOUNT-ID>/elasticloadbalancing/<REGION>/';
TBLPROPERTIES ('projection.enabled'='true',
You can try:
with cte as (
select date_trunc('minute',timestamp) as minute, url, count(*) as hits_per_minute from mytable
group by 1,2
select max_by(minute, hits_per_minute) as timestamp, url, max(hits_per_minute) from cte
group by date_trunc('day', minute), url
The common table expression (cte
) will calculate the number of hits per minute per url, from which you then extract the minute where the max hits is reached (using the max_by
function) and the max hits, grouped by day
and url
See the docs for:
function: https://prestodb.io/docs/current/functions/aggregate.html#id2date_trunc
function: https://prestodb.io/docs/current/functions/datetime.html