I am trying to implement a waterfall chart for 1 of my projects using ApexCharts. This chart isn't available out of the box with ApexCharts. So, I'm trying to modify the range column chart into a Waterfall chart. This is pretty much all I need but I need to change the color of the columns where the range is decreasing. Here the middle columns have a blue color, but I need to change it to red. Any leads are appreciated.
I have already checked the fill and the colors property, they don't seem to work properly with range column charts.
CodePen: https://codesandbox.io/s/apx-range-column-forked-8dv67
Thanks in advance.
The closest thing I've been able to get working is setting a fillColor
for each data point in a series:
this.chartOptions = {
series: [
name: "blue",
data: [
x: "Team A",
y: [0, 100],
fillColor: "#FF0000",
For this to work though, you'd need to do some pre-processing before you add the data points to the series
. You would need a function to check if the range is negative and if so sets the color to red.
function barColor(dataPoint1, dataPoint2) {
return (dataPoint1 - dataPoint2) < 0 ? "" : "#FF0000";
There's a code Sandbox showing the fillColor in use.