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VBA Data validation dropdown from list (modular sub- no hardcode)

I want to create data validation list by VBA EXCEL code, each validation from a single list that is dynamically updated (e.g. if items are added to the validation source list the range will update by code, not manually).

I have many individual validations like this.

First I created separate VBA subs for each validation with hardcode ranges but that is not modular, the code repeated itself with similar code, It was not easy to maintain each time I need to update the source and destination range or add a new validation. It is sensitive to coding errors, having to remind myself where exactly should I write the range inside the code. I want a general and modular VBA validation list I can keep using without repeating the same code structure again and again.

I have a "Data" Sheet with the validation comboboxes and a "Info" sheet with the validation lists.

Here is an example of VBA Validation structure that has hardcoded sheet and cell ranges. A real headache to rewrite each time:

Public Sub HardcodedValidate()
Dim lastRowSource10 As Long
Dim rangeCombo10  As Range
Const F1_TransalteTo As String = "O"
Const F2_TransalteTo As String = "E"
    lastRowCombo10 = 9999
    lastRowSource10 = Transalte.Cells(Transalte.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
    Set rangeCombo10 = Phones.Range(F2_TransalteTo & "2:" & F2_TransalteTo & lastRowCombo10)
    With rangeCombo10.Validation
        .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
             xlBetween, Formula1:="=Transalte!$F$2:$F$" & lastRowSource10
        .IgnoreBlank = True
        .InCellDropdown = True
        .InputTitle = vbNullString
        .ErrorTitle = vbNullString
        .InputMessage = vbNullString
        .ErrorMessage = vbNullString
        .ShowInput = True
        .ShowError = True
    End With
End Sub


  • Option Explicit
    '' Validation list with scrollable dropdown.
    '' * General Sub without hardcoded specific ranges (modular).
    '' * No empty cells at the end of each dropdown.
    '' * Calculated Source LastRow.
    '' See at the end an example of Call of main sub by RunGeneralValidate
    Public Sub GeneralValidate( _
    ByVal sheetSource As Worksheet, ByVal columnSource As String, ByVal firstRowSource As Long, _
    ByVal sheetCombo As Worksheet, ByVal columnCombo As String, ByVal firstRowCombo As Long, ByVal lastRowCombo As Long)
    Dim rangeSource As Range
    Dim rangeCombo As Range
    Dim lastRowSource As Long
       lastRowSource = sheetSource.Cells(sheetSource.Rows.Count, columnSource).End(xlUp).Row
        Set rangeCombo = sheetCombo.Range(columnCombo & firstRowCombo & ":" & columnCombo & lastRowCombo)
        Set rangeSource = sheetSource.Range("$" & columnSource & "$" & firstRowSource & ":$" & columnSource & "$" & lastRowSource)
        With rangeCombo.Validation
            .Delete ''delete previous validation
            .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
                 xlBetween, Formula1:="=" & "'" & sheetSource.Name & "'" & "!" & rangeSource.Address
            .IgnoreBlank = True
            .InCellDropdown = True
            .InputTitle = vbNullString
            .ErrorTitle = vbNullString
            .InputMessage = vbNullString
            .ErrorMessage = vbNullString
            .ShowInput = True
            .ShowError = True
        End With      
    End Sub
    Public Sub RunGeneralValidate()
    ''Example of running the sub
    Dim Info As Worksheet
    Dim Data As Worksheet
    Call GeneralValidate(Info, "A", 2, _
                         Data, "D", 4, 100)
    Call GeneralValidate(Info, "B", 2, _
                         Data, "E", 4, 100)
    Call GeneralValidate(Info, "C", 2, _
                         Data, "F", 4, 100)
    End Sub