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Transparent PNG - BufferedImage contains not existing pixels - java

I have got BufferedImage and method getRGB(...) shows me pixel in position 456, 1959, but I cannot see any color in this position in any image editor. I have got two images with transparency. ImageOne was created in my java application. ImageTwo is ImageOne (ImageOne was open in Affinity Photo and saved as ImageTwo without any change).

If I open ImageOne or ImageTwo in any image editor I can see two same images. Images to download: ImageOne + ImageTwo or HERE or HERE

But in java application it seems, that images are different. This code print RGB color for pixel 456, 1959

    private static void testImage() {
    try {
        File fOne = new File("d:\\test\\ImageOne.png");
        File fTwo = new File("d:\\test\\ImageTwo.png");
        BufferedImage imageOne =;
        BufferedImage imageTwo =;
        Color cOne = new Color(imageOne.getRGB(456, 1959));
        System.out.println("imageOne = " + cOne.getRGB() + " RGBA = " + cOne.getRed() + "," + cOne.getGreen() + "," + cOne.getBlue() + "," + cOne.getAlpha());
        Color cTwo = new Color(imageTwo.getRGB(456, 1959));
        System.out.println("imageTwo = " + cTwo.getRGB() + " RGBA = " + cTwo.getRed() + "," + cTwo.getGreen() + "," + cTwo.getBlue() + "," + cTwo.getAlpha());
    } catch (IOException e) {

The result is:

imageOne = -8355712 RGBA = 128,128,128,255
imageTwo = -16777216 RGBA = 0,0,0,255

Is it possible to clear BufferedImage from these "invisible" pixels? Have you any idea why is pixel in ImageOne and why I can see it only in java? Why is the pixel "invisible" for image editors? Thank you.


  • I thought this is totally legit. The alpha channel is 255, which means the ink is fully transparent.

    This assumption is wrong as per An alpha value of zero represents full transparency, and a value of (2^bitdepth)-1 represents a fully opaque pixel.

    Which means I do not have an explanation why in graphics programs the picture should be looking the same - which is the symptom originally described.