I have got BufferedImage and method getRGB(...) shows me pixel in position 456, 1959, but I cannot see any color in this position in any image editor. I have got two images with transparency. ImageOne was created in my java application. ImageTwo is ImageOne (ImageOne was open in Affinity Photo and saved as ImageTwo without any change).
If I open ImageOne or ImageTwo in any image editor I can see two same images. Images to download: ImageOne + ImageTwo or HERE or HERE
But in java application it seems, that images are different. This code print RGB color for pixel 456, 1959
private static void testImage() {
try {
File fOne = new File("d:\\test\\ImageOne.png");
File fTwo = new File("d:\\test\\ImageTwo.png");
BufferedImage imageOne = ImageIO.read(fOne);
BufferedImage imageTwo = ImageIO.read(fTwo);
Color cOne = new Color(imageOne.getRGB(456, 1959));
System.out.println("imageOne = " + cOne.getRGB() + " RGBA = " + cOne.getRed() + "," + cOne.getGreen() + "," + cOne.getBlue() + "," + cOne.getAlpha());
Color cTwo = new Color(imageTwo.getRGB(456, 1959));
System.out.println("imageTwo = " + cTwo.getRGB() + " RGBA = " + cTwo.getRed() + "," + cTwo.getGreen() + "," + cTwo.getBlue() + "," + cTwo.getAlpha());
} catch (IOException e) {
The result is:
imageOne = -8355712 RGBA = 128,128,128,255
imageTwo = -16777216 RGBA = 0,0,0,255
Is it possible to clear BufferedImage from these "invisible" pixels? Have you any idea why is pixel in ImageOne and why I can see it only in java? Why is the pixel "invisible" for image editors? Thank you.
I thought this is totally legit. The alpha channel is 255, which means the ink is fully transparent.
This assumption is wrong as per https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG-DataRep.html#DR.Alpha-channel: An alpha value of zero represents full transparency, and a value of (2^bitdepth)-1 represents a fully opaque pixel.
Which means I do not have an explanation why in graphics programs the picture should be looking the same - which is the symptom originally described.