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What is the difference between reading in text mode and binary mode, when checking checksums using `sha1sum`?

I often compute checksums of files downloaded from the Internet, using shasum family of commands, without paying attention to the mode for reading. In particular, sha1sum usually defaults to text mode for applications.

What is the difference between reading in text mode and binary mode, when checking checksums using sha1sum?

~/Downloads$ sha1sum --help
Usage: sha1sum [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Print or check SHA1 (160-bit) checksums.

With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

  -b, --binary         read in binary mode
  -c, --check          read SHA1 sums from the FILEs and check them
      --tag            create a BSD-style checksum
  -t, --text           read in text mode (default)
  -z, --zero           end each output line with NUL, not newline,
                       and disable file name escaping

The following five options are useful only when verifying checksums:
      --ignore-missing  don't fail or report status for missing files
      --quiet          don't print OK for each successfully verified file
      --status         don't output anything, status code shows success
      --strict         exit non-zero for improperly formatted checksum lines
  -w, --warn           warn about improperly formatted checksum lines

      --help     display this help and exit
      --version  output version information and exit

The sums are computed as described in FIPS-180-1.  When checking, the input
should be a former output of this program.  The default mode is to print a
line with checksum, a space, a character indicating input mode ('*' for binary,
' ' for text or where binary is insignificant), and name for each FILE.

GNU coreutils online help: <>
Full documentation <>
or available locally via: info '(coreutils) sha1sum invocation'


  • None.

    At least judging by the answer to the similar question on the difference between text and binary in md5sum.

    It appears it flags are for standards compliance or something