Search code examples

How to define the Google Closure Compiler externs for this class

I have the following JavaScript class definition that works as it should and that I compile using the Google Closure Compiler:

class State {
  constructor(x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;
    this.rotationX = rotationX;
    this.rotationY = rotationY;

  set matrix(value) {
    // Magic

  get matrix() {
    // More magic

  set red(value) {
    this.setAttribute(attributeRed, value)

  get red() {
    return this.getAttribute(attributeRed);;

  static fromUrlSearchParams(searchParams) {
    return new State(parseInt  (searchParams.get("x"), 10),
                     parseInt  (searchParams.get("y"), 10),
                     parseInt  (searchParams.get("z"), 10),

  toUrlSearchParams() {
    let searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
    searchParams.set("rotationX", this.pitch);
    searchParams.set("rotationY", this.yaw);
    return searchParams;

This type is part of the public interface of my code which means that I must prevent the Closure Compiler from renaming its symbols. I'm in the process of writing an externs file that I pass to the Closure Compiler using the --externs switch. Here's what I have so far:

State = class {
   * @constructor
   * @param {number} x
   * @param {number} y
   * @param {number} z
   * @param {number} rotationX
   * @param {number} rotationY
  constructor(x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY) {
    /** @type {number} */
    this.x = x;
    /** @type {number} */
    this.y = y;
    /** @type {number} */
    this.z = z;
    /** @type {number} */
    this.rotationX = rotationX;
    /** @type {number} */
    this.rotationY = rotationY;

  // Insert property export here. If you just knew how...

  /** @return {State} */
  static fromUrlSearchParams(searchParams) {}

  /** @return {URLSearchParams} */
  toUrlSearchParams() {}

I have three problems finishing that externs file:

  1. The arguments of the constructor (x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY) are renamed. What do I need to do to prevent that?
  2. The static method fromUrlSearchParams(searchParams) is removed by the compiler because it comes to the conclusion that it is dead code because it is not used internally in the compiled code. How do I export that static method?
  3. How do I mark the matrix property to be part of the public interface?


After spending several hours with this problem, reading every piece of documentation I could find, crawling files on GitHub, testing various online externs generators and obtaining a copy of the book "Closure - The Definitive Guide" the problem is still unsolved.

After being around for more than a decade the Closure Compiler documentation is still useless for everything more than the most basic examples. You got to be kidding me.

Here's what I tried so far:

class State {
   * @constructor
   * @param {number} x
   * @param {number} y
   * @param {number} z
   * @param {number} rotationX
   * @param {number} rotationY
  constructor(x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY) {
    /** @type {number} */
    this.x = x;
    /** @type {number} */
    this.y = y;
    /** @type {number} */
    this.z = z;
    /** @type {number} */
    this.rotationX = rotationX;
    /** @type {number} */
    this.rotationY = rotationY;

   * @nocollapse
   * @param {URLSearchParams} searchParams
   * @return {State}
  static fromUrlSearchParams(searchParams) {}

  /** @return {URLSearchParams} */
  toUrlSearchParams() {}

The difference to the original file is using class State { instead of State = class {. Interestingly, this results in the following error message:

ERROR - [JSC_BLOCK_SCOPED_DECL_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR] Duplicate let / const / class / function declaration in the same scope is not allowed.

No clue why that would make a difference, but anyway, let's move on. Next attempt:

 * @constructor
 * @param {number} x
 * @param {number} y
 * @param {number} z
 * @param {number} rotationX
 * @param {number} rotationX
var State = {};

/** @type {number} */

/** @type {number} */

/** @type {number} */

/** @type {number} */

/** @type {number} */

 * @nocollapse
 * @param {URLSearchParams} searchParams
 * @return {State}
State.fromUrlSearchParams = function(searchParams) {};

/** @return {URLSearchParams} */
State.prototype.toUrlSearchParams = function() {};

Running it with that code results in

ERROR - [JSC_VAR_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR] Variable ColorCubeState declared more than once. First occurrence: blabla.js

class State {

Well, here we go again. It is a mystery to me why the compiler would state that it is already defined if I pass a source file and an extern file. One defines it, the other annotates it, or so you would think.

No attempt could save the static method from being removed by the compiler.

Next to building and debugging the compiler with my code I don't see anything else that I could try. Luckily there is a guaranteed resolution for the problem: Simply not using the Google Closure Compiler.


  • The following worked:

    Input file:

    "use strict";
    const attributeX         = "x";
    const attributeY         = "y";
    const attributeZ         = "z";
    const attributeRotationX = "rotationX"
    const attributeRotationY = "rotationY";
    /** @implements {StateInterface} */
    globalThis["State"] = class {
      constructor(x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY) {
        this.x         = x;
        this.y         = y;
        this.z         = z;
        this.rotationX = rotationX;
        this.rotationY = rotationY;
       * @nocollapse
       * @suppress {checkTypes}
      static "fromUrlSearchParams"(searchParams) {
        return new globalThis["State"](parseInt  (searchParams.get(attributeX), 10),
                                       parseInt  (searchParams.get(attributeY), 10),
                                       parseInt  (searchParams.get(attributeZ), 10),
      toUrlSearchParams() {
        let searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
        searchParams.set(attributeX        , this.x        .toString(10));
        searchParams.set(attributeY        , this.y        .toString(10));
        searchParams.set(attributeZ        , this.z        .toString(10));
        searchParams.set(attributeRotationX, this.rotationX.toString(10));
        searchParams.set(attributeRotationY, this.rotationY.toString(10));
        return searchParams;

    Externs file:

     * @fileoverview
     * @externs
    /** @interface */
    class StateInterface {
       * @param {number} x
       * @param {number} y
       * @param {number} z
       * @param {number} rotationX
       * @param {number} rotationY
      constructor(x, y, z, rotationX, rotationY) {
        /** @type {number} */
        this.x = x;
        /** @type {number} */
        this.y = y;
        /** @type {number} */
        this.z = z;
        /** @type {number} */
        this.rotationX = rotationX;
        /** @type {number} */
        this.rotationY = rotationY;
       * @param {URLSearchParams} searchParams
       * @return {StateInterface}
      static fromUrlSearchParams(searchParams) {}
      /** @return {URLSearchParams} */
      toUrlSearchParams() {}