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CKEditor 5 toolbar is greyed out

I'm trying to upgrade my ckeditor to CKE5. After wrestling with the dismal documentation around the toolbar, I finally got most/all of the toolbar options to appear. The problem is the toolbar is greyed out and also the editing area is uneditable. I have a custom build downloaded as a zip file from the CKEditor website (build ID 7mg2hjrna9z9-7ljqut3s4uri if that helps). No errors are currently visible in the console.

Here's the script to initiate the ckEditor:

    .create(document.querySelector('#Content'), {
        toolbar: {
            items: [
            shouldNotGroupWhenFull: true
        image: {
            toolbar: [
        table: {
            contentToolbar: [
        mediaEmbed: {
            toolbar: ['mediaEmbed'],
            previewsInData: true
    .then(editor => {
        window.editor = editor;
        var tools = Array.from(editor.ui.componentFactory.names());
    .catch(error => {


  • I created a new build with a different set of features. I think maybe my original build had paid features which I didn't have a license for. The new build worked.