I'm pretty rusty with regex, but I have the requirement to extract the first token of the following string:
Input: /token1/token2/token3
Required output: /token1
I have tried:
List<String> connectorPath = Splitter.on("^[/\\w+]+")
Doesn't work for me, any ideas?
You can split on the /
that is not at the string start using the (?!^)/
String[] res = "/token1/token2/token3".split("(?!^)/");
System.out.println(res[0]); // => /token1
See the Java code demo and the regex demo.
- a negative lookahead that matches a location not at the start of string/
- a /
char.Using Guava:
Splitter splitter = Splitter.onPattern("(?!^)/").trimResults();
Iterable<String> iterable = splitter.split(actionPath);
String first = Iterables.getFirst(iterable, "");