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SpringBoot - activiti - Injecting org.activiti.engine.TaskService

I've created this class:

public class ActivitiWorkflowService  {

    private final TaskService taskService;


but I have this problem when init the project:

     No qualifying bean of 
type 'org.activiti.engine.TaskService' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {}


  • I expect that your class has a constructor such as:

    public class ActivitiWorkflowService  {
        private final TaskService taskService;
        public ActivitiWorkflowService(TaskService taskService) {
            this.taskService = taskService;

    The error you are getting is because Spring cannot autowire this class to the ActivitiWorkflowService - it probably was not defined in the Spring context.

    Depending on the configuration you use you can either:

    Define class with @Component or @Service annotation and let @ComponentScan do its work:

    @Component //@Service
    public TaskService {

    or if you are using @Configuration class define the bean of type TaskService

    public class AppConfig {
        public TaskService taskService() {
             return new TaskService();
        public ActivitiWorkflowService activitiWorkflowService(TaskService taskService) {
            return new ActivitiWorkflowService(taskService);