I have an array of strings
["storage/", "storage/ui/", "storage/inventory/", "storage/model/", "storage/staticmos/", "storage/ui/server.js", "storage/ui/config.js", "storage/ui/elements/", "storage/ui/package.json", "storage/ui/model/", "storage/ui/gulpfile.js", "storage/ui/i18n/", "storage/ui/metadata/", "storage/ui/index.template.html"]
And my purpose is to make a json tree in which every object will contain next properties: name
(name of directory/name of file), type
(file or directory), path
(the actual array entry), id
, children
(only if the type is directory! empty array if there is nothing in a directory)
So the returned value should look like this:
id: 1,
name: "Inventory",
type: "directory",
path: "../../elements/storage/Inventory",
children: [
id: 2,
name: "inventory.yaml",
type: "file",
path: "../../elements/storage/Inventory/inventory.yaml",
id: 3,
name: "UI",
type: "directory",
path: "../../elements/storage/UI",
children: [
id: 4,
name: "Model",
type: "directory",
path: "../../elements/storage/UI/Model",
children: [
id: 5,
name: "viewmodel",
type: "directory",
path: "../../elements/storage/UI/Model/viewmodel",
children: [],
id: 6,
name: "elements",
type: "directory",
path: "../../elements/storage/elements",
children: [],
id: 7,
name: "i18n",
type: "directory",
path: "../../elements/storage/i18n",
children: [],
id: 8,
name: "index.template.html",
type: "file",
path: "../../elements/storage/index.template.html",
id: 9,
name: "DeviceConnector",
type: "directory",
path: "../../elements/storage/DeviceConnector",
children: [],
So, I have 2 big problems right now:
This is what I got for now:
createObject([...pathes]) {
return pathes.reduce((obj, path) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign
path.split('/').reduce((obj, key) => {"id":'_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9),"name":obj[key],"path":path} , obj);
return obj;
}, []);
You could utilize the last slash and use it for changing the type.
data = ["storage/", "storage/ui/", "storage/inventory/", "storage/model/", "storage/staticmos/", "storage/ui/server.js", "storage/ui/config.js", "storage/ui/elements/", "storage/ui/package.json", "storage/ui/model/", "storage/ui/gulpfile.js", "storage/ui/i18n/", "storage/ui/metadata/", "storage/ui/index.template.html"],
result = data.reduce((r, path) => {
path.split('\/').reduce((level, name) => {
if (name === '') {
level.type = 'directory';
let directory = (level.children = level.children || []).find(q => q.name === name);
if (!directory) level.children.push(directory = { id: '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9), name, type: 'file', path });
return directory;
}, r);
return r;
}, {}).children;
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