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how to split every integer in txt?

So I have a txt which has 2 lines as

move 30 20 50
move 60 2 54

and I split those two lines into two elements into a list like this

codereader = 'deneme.txt'

file_handle = open(codereader, "r")
text =
terminal_reader = "{}".format(text)


and it gives me the solution underneath

#['move 30 20 50','move 60 2 54']

but also I have to put every number to different tuples like 30 and 60 has to go to list called speed. 20 and 2 has to go to list called distance and the last numbers has to go to a list called time. So at the end the solution has to be like this.

speed_values = ['30', '60']
distance_values = ['20','2']
time_values = ['50','54']

but if I add another move into the txt code has to append the last move's numbers into the end of the lists. I dont know how to seperate them individually like this.


  • You can loop over the values in text and split each one of them:

    line_items = [line.split() for line in text]

    Now you have [['move', '30', '20', '50'], ['move', '60', '2', '54']].

    To group values on the same index you can use the zip function:

    line_items = zip(*[['move', '30', '20', '50'], ['move', '60', '2', '54']])

    That will give you an iterator that looks like: [['move', 'move'], ['30', '60'], ...

    Now you can assign them into variables.

    In [1]: a, b = zip([1, 2], [3, 4])
    In [2]: a
    Out[2]: (1, 3)
    In [3]: b
    Out[3]: (2, 4)