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Tasks inside chromedp.ActionFunc not working as expected

This is my code:

package main

import (

func main() {
        queries := [3]string{"Object.keys(window);", "window.CSS", "window.Array"}

        // create context
        ctx, cancel := chromedp.NewContext(context.Background())
        defer cancel()

        // run task list
        var res []byte
        err := chromedp.Run(ctx,
                chromedp.ActionFunc(func(ctx context.Context) error {
                for _, query := range queries {

                        err2 := chromedp.Evaluate(query, &res)
                        if err2 != nil {
                                fmt.Printf("error in ActionFunc: %s\n", err2)

                        fmt.Printf("Query %s outputs: %v\n", query, res)
        return nil
        if err != nil {


What i am trying to do is to navigate to url to Evaluate and get values for a big list of queries (I reduced the array to 3 queries for the example).

and then it should just outputs the values from those queries.

But what i get is these errors for every iteration:

error in ActionFunc: %!s(chromedp.ActionFunc=0x7f25a0)
Query Object.keys(window); outputs: []
error in ActionFunc: %!s(chromedp.ActionFunc=0x7f25a0)
Query window.CSS outputs: []
error in ActionFunc: %!s(chromedp.ActionFunc=0x7f25a0)
Query window.Array outputs: []


  • chromedp.Evaluate does not return error. It returns EvaluateAction. It has Do func which accepts context. So you can try this;

    queries := [3]string{"Object.keys(window);", "window.CSS", "window.Array"}
        // create context
        ctx, cancel := chromedp.NewContext(context.Background())
        defer cancel()
        // run task list
        var res []byte
        err := chromedp.Run(ctx,
            //chromedp.Evaluate("Object.keys(window)", &res),
            chromedp.ActionFunc(func(ctx context.Context) error {
                for _, query := range queries {
                    chromedp.Evaluate(query, &res).Do(ctx)
                    fmt.Printf("Query %s outputs: %+v\n", query, string(res))
                return nil
        if err != nil {