Search code examples

Javascript get all tag values with the same tag name

I have the javascript below that fetches an XML feed:

    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(str => new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/xml"))

The XML looks like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
  <link href="" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <title type="html">ArXiv Query: search_query=&amp;id_list=1804.10436&amp;start=0&amp;max_results=10</title>
  <opensearch:totalResults xmlns:opensearch="">1</opensearch:totalResults>
  <opensearch:startIndex xmlns:opensearch="">0</opensearch:startIndex>
  <opensearch:itemsPerPage xmlns:opensearch="">10</opensearch:itemsPerPage>
    <title>Characterizing the highly cited articles: a large-scale bibliometric
  analysis of the top 1% most cited research</title>   
      <name>Pablo Dorta-González</name>
      <name>Yolanda Santana-Jiménez</name>
    <arxiv:comment xmlns:arxiv="">23 pages, 6 tables, 2 figures</arxiv:comment>
    <link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
    <link title="pdf" href="" rel="related" type="application/pdf"/>
    <arxiv:primary_category xmlns:arxiv="" term="cs.DL" scheme=""/>
    <category term="cs.DL" scheme=""/>

How can I construct a comma-separate string that contains all values in author/name tags? In the XML above I want to get Pablo Dorta-González, Yolanda Santana-Jiménez


  • It is possible to use DOM queries to get the parsed values. Please check below code snippet.

        .then(response => response.text())
        .then(str => new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/xml"))
        .then(xml => Array.from(xml.querySelectorAll('author>name')).map(e => e.textContent).join(", "))