I know it's quite basic question but still I am not clear about it. When I am running my jar file in background in windows using below command using bat file:
start javaw -jar myApp.jar
It start the application in background but is there any way to check if it's running or how would i kill it if I want to.
In Linux We can do ps -ef| grep JarName
and then we can call kill command.How to do the same in windows. tasklist
command shows java.exe instead of jar name.
You could use jps
to view current Java processes, then pass the output to taskkill
. Call this script with the full package.Classname
of the process to kill:
rem Run as killpid.cmd package.Classname
@echo off
jps -l |findstr %1 > %TEMP%\pid.txt
echo FOUND:
type %TEMP%\pid.txt
for /f %%i in (%TEMP%\pid.txt) do taskkill /pid %%i