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How to setup local dev environment properties of Spring Boot based on docker compose with testcontainers?

I'm developing a service that has many dependencies like Redis, PubSub, S3, ServiceC and ServiceD. When I hit an endpoint in development, e.g. /data/4, a http request to ServiceC is performed.

So to that to work, something that mocks ServiceC must run. In my case it's wiremock (since I cant run ServiceC directly, as it also has many dependencies). All of these MockServices are in a docker-compose-dev file.

Now to my question: How can I run the docker-compose with testcontainers, get the assigned ports, and set the correct properties to the WebClient has the right mock url + port?

What lifecycle hook can I use to run before spring boot starts, and also can configure the properties?

One downside would be an increased boot time in the dev mode though, but I can't assign fixed ports in docker compose file, because they might be used on the developer's machine. So makes no sense to ship url defaults for the service urls on localhost.


  • Testcontainers supports starting Docker Compose out-of-the-box using the DockerComposeContainer class. While creating an instance of this class you have to expose all your containers:

    public class DockerComposeTest {
      public static DockerComposeContainer<?> environment =
        new DockerComposeContainer<>(new File("docker-compose.yml"))
          .withExposedService("database_1", 5432, Wait.forListeningPort())
          .withExposedService("keycloak_1", 8080,
      void dockerComposeTest() {
        System.out.println(environment.getServicePort("database_1", 5432));
        System.out.println(environment.getServicePort("keycloak_1", 8080));

    The example above maps a PostgreSQL database and Keycloak to a random ephemeral port on your machine. Right after the wait checks pass, your test will run and you can access the actual port with .getServicePort().

    A possible solution for the WebClient configuration is to use a ApplicationContextInitializer as you somehow have to define the Spring Boot property before the container starts:

    public class PropertyInitializer
      implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
      public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
        // static access to environment variable of the test
          .of("your_web_client_base_url=http://localhost:" + environment.getServicePort("serviceC", 8080) + "/api")

    You can then register the initializer for your integration tests with:

    @ContextConfiguration(initializers = {PropertyInitializer.class})
    class DockerComposeTest {

    As an alternative, you could also try to solely mock all HTTP communication to external services with WireMock.