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Angular 2+ (ngModelChange) on input on itself

I have number input field and I want to restrict it so max value will be 100. So When user types number by number I want it to be restricted in real time. For this I'm using (ngModelChange).


  • User types 1 its OK,
  • User types again 1, its OK,
  • User types 1 again it will automatically replace 111 with 100, and its OK
  • User types 1 again it should be automatically replaced with 100. but it stays 1001 and it will continue adding numbers regarding ngModelChange restriction.

Here is html code:

<!-- NOT WORKING -->
<input type="number"
       id="period" placeholder="0" min="0"
       max="100" step="1" name="period">

<!-- WORKING -->

It's controller:

  public period: number;

  onValueChange() {
     if (this.period > 100) this.period = 100;

This will update period but only once. If I continue to type more numbers it wont update the input field. Also maxlength="3" is not working

I tried the same concept but on paragraph and it is working. Probably the problem is only on input field.


  • Since You updating the model value inside ngModelChange the model value is out of sync with view value. try updating the model value asynchronusly inside settimeout.

    onValueChange() {
          if (this.period > 100) this.period = 100;