javac error: cannot access javatesting1
class testingclass extends javatesting1
bad source file: .\
file does not contain class javatesting1
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the sourcepath. error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable a
location: class testingclass
2 errors
Here is my code
package test1;
public class javatesting1
protected int a=45;
int b=78;
//I am not able to use the javatesting1 class when i use test1.* instead of test1.javatesting1
// the below code is on another file in the same directory
import test1.javatesting1;
class testingclass extends javatesting1
public void meth1()
// System.out.println(b);
public class javatesting2
public static void main(String [] args)
testingclass obj=new testingclass();
Hello and welcome to Stack Overflow!
Since you are declaring class javatesting1 to be in a package test1, Java expects to find that class in a folder named like the package in order to scan it (using the wildcard). I have tested your code, importing using wildcard *, with a folder structure like this
- test1
Try editing your folder structure.
Also please try do adhere to coding conventions: class names should be named using CamelCase, e.g. JavaTesting1