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ST-LINK could not connect to the target

I'm trying to connect to stm32f401rbt6 with st-link utility.

The MCU has 6 pins connected, as on the image below.

The target is powered by a lab power supply, target GND is connected to the ST-Link GND

When I plug it to the computer, st-link utility says it can't connect.

MCU connection


  • Update ST-Link firmware
  • Connect under reset is by default, tried all available methods
  • Checked connectivity for the pins on the image
  • Connected with the same ST-Link to other MCU
  • Desoldered the MCU and soldered another one

The issue is still remain. Please suggest what I'm doing wrong, or how to check that my MCU is alive.


  • I once had similiar issues and i figuered out, that decoupling capacitors were vital. After soldering this onto the pcb, it worked like a charm.