I have this api endpoint method which uses Hangfire
. How do I make sure that PreIngestion()
is completed first before IngestA()
and IngestB()
could be executed?
public IActionResult IngestFiles(string cronExpression = "0")
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<IIngestService>(x => x.PreIngestion(), cronExpression, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<IIngestService>(x => x.IngestA(), cronExpression, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<IIngestService>(x => x.IngestB(), cronExpression, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
return Ok();
I can do it with ContinueJobWith method but I need it to be scheduled.
Since QueueAttribute
is not working for the recurring job,
you can create a helper method to queue them up as Anton said.
public IActionResult IngestFiles(string cronExpression = "0")
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<IIngestService>(x => IngestHelper.Ingest(x), cronExpression, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
return Ok();
public static class RecurringJobHelper
public static void Ingest(IIngestService ingestService)