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Odoo Override Javascript Class Method

First off, my apologies - I'm a complete novice when it comes to javascript so this is a bit above my head. I'm also fairly new to Odoo and have mostly stuck with python and XML customization thus far.

I'm trying to override a javascript method within a class to replace it completely with my own version. From the Odoo documentation ( this should be a simple matter of using the .include() method to patch the original class with my new method. But when I do this I get an error Error while loading mymodule.CustomControlPanelModelExtension: TypeError: ControlPanelModelExtension.include is not a function

The original Odoo code that I'm trying to override:

odoo.define("web/static/src/js/control_panel/control_panel_model_extension.js", function (require) {
  "use strict";
  // a bunch of code here ...

  class ControlPanelModelExtension extends ActionModel.Extension {
    // more code here ...

    // this is the method I'm trying to override
    _getAutoCompletionFilterDomain(filter, filterQueryElements) {
      // original method body here

    // more code

  // more code

Below is what I came up with based on the documentation but this gives me the error Error while loading mymodule.CustomControlPanelModelExtension: TypeError: ControlPanelModelExtension.include is not a function (this error is reported in browser dev tools console).

odoo.define('mymodule.CustomControlPanelModelExtension', function(require) {
  "use strict";

  var ControlPanelModelExtension = require('web/static/src/js/control_panel/control_panel_model_extension.js');


    // override _getAutoCompletionFilterDomain 
    _getAutoCompletionFilterDomain: function(filter, filterQueryElements) {
      // my custom implementation here


Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? I've tried various other things with extends and such but I don't think I want to extend - that won't replace the function in existing instances.


  • The problem here is that the include function is available only for the classes that inherit from OdooClass and in this case the class you are trying to inherit is a native JavaScript class.

    Then, to add a property or method to a class, the prototype property of the object class must be modified.

    odoo.define('mymodule.CustomControlPanelModelExtension', function(require) {
        "use strict";
        const ControlPanelModelExtension = require('web/static/src/js/control_panel/control_panel_model_extension.js');
        function _getAutoCompletionFilterDomain(filter, filterQueryElements) {
            // your custom implementation here
        ControlPanelModelExtension.prototype._getAutoCompletionFilterDomain = _getAutoCompletionFilterDomain;
        return ControlPanelModelExtension;