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Building an interpreter for a small programming language using JavaCC

I built a lexer and a parser, using JavaCC, for a small programming language. An example of a valid program in the programming language is:

DEF FUNCTION1 x { x+3 } ;

In the above example I want the program to output 7 but to do this a call to FUNCTION1 needs to be made. I know that I have to store intermediate representations somewhere in order to achieve this. How can I do that with Hash Maps?


  • Suppose the intermediate representation for a function is represented by an object of class Function. The you could have a symbol table that maps function names (presumably represented by objects of type String) to Function objects. The symbol table can be represented by a hash map, e.g.

    class SymbolTable extends HashMap<String, Function> { }

    You can create an empty symbol table at the start and then fill it as you parse. E.g., something like this.

    SymbolTable Program(  )
        SymbolTable table = new SymbolTable() ;
        ( FunctionDefinition( table ) )*
        { return SymbolTable ; }
    void FunctionDefinition( SymbolTable table )
        Function f ;
        String name ;
        name = <NAME>
        f = FunctionBody()
          if( table.hasKey( name ) { something... } ;
          else { table.add(name, f) ; }