When opening a *.class file in Eclipse, the default Class File Viewer
editor is used showing a not coder-friendly view of the class.
Having several decompilers installed on my Eclipse instance, I can "manually" use any them to open my *.class file so it shows in the Class Decompiler Viewer
What I would like though is to change the default editor from Class File Viewer
to Class Decompiler Viewer
so when I open a *.class file (e.g. by double-clicking it in the Package Explorer
view or via the Open Type...
dialog) it opens directly in the right view.
At the moment *.class files are consistently opening in the Class File Viewer
editor regardless of my settings. I have to go back to the Package Explorer
view, right-click the *.class file and select the desired decompiler explicitely in the Open Class With
option to get it open in the Class Decompiler Viewer
I have set the Class Decompiler Viewer
editor as the default one for *.class files, applied, restarted Eclipse even, but still all the *.class files I open are coming through the Class File Viewer
by default.
The decompiler preference also has an option to set himslef as the default editor of *.class files, but without success on my side:
Any idea of a solution to force the default *.class file editor to something else than the Class File Viewer
one? Am I missing something obvious in my settings?
In File Associations below ".class", you will find another ".class without source". Set your decompiler as default in that. Class files should open in the decompiler now.