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How to open *.class files with decompiler by default in Eclipse?

When opening a *.class file in Eclipse, the default Class File Viewer editor is used showing a not coder-friendly view of the class.

Having several decompilers installed on my Eclipse instance, I can "manually" use any them to open my *.class file so it shows in the Class Decompiler Viewer editor.

What I would like though is to change the default editor from Class File Viewer to Class Decompiler Viewer so when I open a *.class file (e.g. by double-clicking it in the Package Explorer view or via the Open Type... dialog) it opens directly in the right view.

At the moment *.class files are consistently opening in the Class File Viewer editor regardless of my settings. I have to go back to the Package Explorer view, right-click the *.class file and select the desired decompiler explicitely in the Open Class With option to get it open in the Class Decompiler Viewer editor.

I have set the Class Decompiler Viewer editor as the default one for *.class files, applied, restarted Eclipse even, but still all the *.class files I open are coming through the Class File Viewer by default. enter image description here

The decompiler preference also has an option to set himslef as the default editor of *.class files, but without success on my side: enter image description here

Any idea of a solution to force the default *.class file editor to something else than the Class File Viewer one? Am I missing something obvious in my settings?


  • In File Associations below ".class", you will find another ".class without source". Set your decompiler as default in that. Class files should open in the decompiler now.