I need to conditionally load a script in a the layout page of a Razor pages application (the script needs to be loaded after other scripts have loaded but assumes the existence of elements only on one page).
I want to use something like
if (Page.Name == "page_name") {
<script src="~/js/myscript.js"></script>
but can find no method for getting the page name.
Can anyone please recommend a way to do this?
The way to do this is to create a new section in the layout, below the existing scripts and then target that from the page that utilises the script:
@RenderSection("Scripts", false)
@RenderSection("ExtraScripts", false)
Then in the page that needs to use the script:
@section ExtraScripts{
<script src="~/js/myscripts.js"></script>
Sections: https://www.learnrazorpages.com/razor-pages/files/layout#sections
If you want the contents of myscripts to load after the body has loaded, put it in a jQuery ready function, or a DomContentLoaded event handler.
DomContentLoaded : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/DOMContentLoaded_event