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How can I Iterate over Vertices & Edges in an Order Provided by a (Bundled) Property, in the BGL?

Say I have some boost graph

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>

struct Vertex {
    double property_1;
    int property_2;

using Graph_t = boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS,
Graph_t g(5);

and now want to iterate over the vertices in different orders, say:

  1. by its id
  2. in a random order
  3. descending by property_2
  4. ascending by property_1
  5. descending/ascending by more bundled properties in a generic way.

How do I do this in the most efficient way?

As of now, I created std::vectors with the properties, and vectors containing indices, and sorted them by the properties. But if you have many properties that creates a ton of structure that could be avoided.

I also looked at boost::multi_index maps, as in this question, but that doesn't seem slim to me either.

How can I do this? Happy about any hint!


  • That's (obviously) not a feature of the library.

    You can however use ranges or range adaptors, like you would in any other situation:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
    #include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
    #include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>
    #include <boost/range/algorithm_ext.hpp>
    #include <fmt/ranges.h>
    #include <fmt/ostream.h>
    #include <random>
    struct Vertex {
        double property_1;
        int property_2;
    static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Vertex const& v) {
        return os << "V(" << v.property_1 << ", " << v.property_2 << ")";
    using Graph_t =
        boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::undirectedS,
                              Vertex, boost::no_property>;
    int main() {
        using boost::make_iterator_range;
        using namespace boost::adaptors;
        Graph_t g(5);
        int i = 0;
        for (auto& v : make_iterator_range(vertices(g))) {
            g[v] = {i / -.3, i * 11};
        auto get_bundle = [&g](auto v) -> auto& { return g[v]; };
        fmt::print("Natural order: {}\n",
        fmt::print("Natural order: {}\n",
            make_iterator_range(vertices(g) | transformed(get_bundle)));
            "Reverse natural order: {}\n",
            make_iterator_range(vertices(g) | transformed(get_bundle) | reversed));
        auto make_view = [=](auto range) {
            return std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Vertex>>(
                begin(range), end(range));
        auto view =
            make_view(make_iterator_range(vertices(g) | transformed(get_bundle)));
        fmt::print("view: {}\n", view);
        fmt::print("reversed: {}\n", view);
        auto less_by = [](auto member) {
            return [=, prj = std::mem_fn(member)](auto const& a, auto const& b) {
                return prj(a) < prj(b);
        boost::sort(view, less_by(&Vertex::property_1));
        fmt::print("less_by property_1: {}\n", view);
        boost::sort(view, less_by(&Vertex::property_2));
        fmt::print("less_by property_2: {}\n", view);
            static std::random_device rd;
            static std::mt19937 randgen{rd()};
            std::shuffle(view.begin(), view.end(), randgen);
            fmt::print("random order: {}\n", view);
        // just a loop is also fine, of course
        i = 0;
        for (Vertex& bundle : view) {
            bundle.property_2 = i++;
        fmt::print("modified: {}\n", view);


    Natural order: {0x1467eb0, 0x1467f10, 0x1467f70, 0x1467fd0, 0x1468030}
    Natural order: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
    Reverse natural order: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}
    view: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}
    reversed: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
    less_by property_1: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}
    less_by property_2: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
    random order: {V(-13.3333, 44), V(-3.33333, 11), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-16.6667, 55)}
    modified: {V(-13.3333, 0), V(-3.33333, 1), V(-10, 2), V(-6.66667, 3), V(-16.6667, 4)}

    More, From Here

    UPDATE Code Generation With Boost PFR

    In response to the comments, you could use Boost PFR to generate a array with comparators simple types statically:

    template <typename T, typename Op = std::less<> >
    constexpr static inline auto make_field_comparers(Op op = {}) {
        namespace pfr = boost::pfr;
        auto constexpr N = pfr::tuple_size<T>::value;
        using A = std::array<std::function<bool(T const&, T const&)>, N>;
        auto lift = [op](auto prj) {
            return [=](T const& a, T const& b) { return op(prj(a), prj(b)); };
        return [lift]<size_t... I>(std::index_sequence<I...>){
            return A{lift([](T const& v) { return pfr::get<I>(v); })...};

    Which you could use like Live On Compiler Explorer

    std::vector orderings {
        std::pair { "asc", make_field_comparers<Vertex>() },
        std::pair { "desc", make_field_comparers<Vertex>(std::greater<>{}) },
    for (auto const& [dir, fields] : orderings) {
        for (size_t field = 0; field < fields.size(); ++field) {
            boost::sort(view, fields[field]);
            fmt::print("by field #{} {}: {}\n", field, dir, view);


    by field #0 asc: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}
    by field #1 asc: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
    by field #0 desc: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
    by field #1 desc: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}