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How to make a measurement with a rolling/moving conditional in DAX Excel PowerPivot or Power BI

I have this table:

Period Firm Sector Net Income Assets
31 Dec 2018 AA 1 10 100
31 Dec 2018 BB 1 20 100
31 Dec 2018 CC 2 30 100
31 Dec 2018 DD 2 40 100
31 Dec 2019 AA 1 15 100
31 Dec 2019 BB 1 25 100
31 Dec 2019 CC 2 35 100
31 Dec 2019 DD 2 45 100
31 Dec 2020 AA 1 18 100
31 Dec 2020 BB 1 null 100
31 Dec 2020 CC 2 38 100
31 Dec 2020 DD 2 48 null

I want to create a measurement to calculate the sectoral Return on Assets, i.e. SUM(Net Income)/SUM(Assets) in year t , to include only firms which have a complete set of Net Income and Assets in year t and year t-1.

Hence, I want to create a pivot table like this:

ROA Sector
Period 1 2
31 Dec 2018 null null
31 Dec 2019 20 % 40%
31 Dec 2020 18 % 38%

How can I do that in DAX?


  • A possible solution is to prepare a table variable containing the previous year set to be used as a filter over the current year calculation.

    ROA = 
    VAR CurrentPeriod =
        SELECTEDVALUE ( T[Period] )
    VAR PreviousPeriod =
        DATEADD (
    VAR Result =
        IF (
            NOT ISBLANK( CurrentPeriod ),
            VAR PreviousYearSet =
                CALCULATETABLE (
                    SUMMARIZE (
                    NOT ISBLANK ( T[Assets] ),
                    NOT ISBLANK ( T[Net Income] ),
                    T[Period] = PreviousPeriod
                CALCULATE (
                    DIVIDE (
                        SUM ( T[Net Income] ),
                        SUM ( T[Assets] )
                    NOT ISBLANK ( T[Assets] ),
                    NOT ISBLANK ( T[Net Income] ),

    this measure applied to the sample data can be used in a matrix visual to give the expected result

    the resulting matrix