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Workspace.Gromaniak85.LocalScript:7: Expected ')' (to close '(' at column 25), got '.2xblock'

what I'm trying to do is to get the distance from chracters torso to the block. I don't know why, but when im referencing the folder, it gives that error.

this is the error code: Workspace.Gromaniak85.LocalScript:7: Expected ')' (to close '(' at column 25), got '.2xblock'

local DistanceRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DistanceFromBlock
local player = script.Parent.Parent
local BrickMultipliers = game.Workspace.BrickMultipliers

while true do
    local distancefrom2x = (game.Workspace[player.Name].UpperTorso.Position - BrickMultipliers.2xblock.Position).magnitude --error happens there

Here it's how it is in studio:

I don't really know what to do, so I'll be thankfull for all help !!


  • According to Lua's lexical conventions a name may not begin with a digit!

    Names (also called identifiers) in Lua can be any string of Latin letters, Arabic-Indic digits, and underscores, not beginning with a digit and not being a reserved word. Identifiers are used to name variables, table fields, and labels.

    The following keywords are reserved and cannot be used as names:

     and       break     do        else      elseif    end
     false     for       function  goto      if        in
     local     nil       not       or        repeat    return
     then      true      until     while

    Hence this is invalid syntax: BrickMultipliers.2xblock.Position

    From Lua 5.4 Reference Manual 3.2 - Variables:

    The syntax var.Name is just syntactic sugar for var["Name"]:

    var ::= prefixexp ‘.’ Name

    So this convenient syntax only works for Lua identifiers (names).

    As 2xblock begins with a digit so it cannot be a name. Thus BrickMultipliers.2xblock causes an error.

    For any table key that is not a Lua name you have to use the square bracket notation.
