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AspectJ inside a testing framework

I'm trying to apply a cross cutting concern which is logging with AspectJ and a test framework called Katalon which uses Groovy and Java. I found that the best weaving type appropriate here is load-time weaving which requires a META-INF folder and an Aop.xml. I tried to put my aop.xml in multiple places but I think aspectj is unable to find it. This is the structure of my project:

enter image description here

Here is my aop.xml file content:

        <aspect name="com.fd.common.aspectName"/>
        <weaver options="-verbose -showWeaveInfo">
            <include within="com.myapp.common.*"/>

And here is my aspect :

public class test {
    @org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before("execution(* *.*(..))")
    public void bef (JoinPoint jp) {


  • My first guess, not having seen your real project, is that you should move the weaver options out of the aspect declaration section like this:

            <aspect name="com.fd.common.aspectName"/>
        <weaver options="-verbose -showWeaveInfo">
            <include within="com.myapp.common.*"/>

    If this does not help, I need more information. I have never used Katalon before, so I need to inspect your exact project setup - of course not your full original project, if proprietary. But please prepare an MCVE reproducing the problem, publish it on GitHub and I can take a look for you. I need to see how you call java and what is logged to the console.

    Update: There was a follow-up question about how to use system property org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.configuration in order to point to an alternative resource URL or file system path name. I answered the same question before here and have just updated it with some more detail.