Today I was getting so many Promise { < pending > } and I don't know why, so i tried to console.log()
a few things, and i discovered that getData() is returning before queryDatabase(), can someone explain me why, and what can I do it to fix it? I need queryDatabase() data to return before getData() so the promise doesen't returns pending, here is my code:
is a MySQL connection pool)
async function getData(userID, guildID) {
this.guildID = guildID ?? null
this.userID = userID ?? null = await queryDatabase({guildID: this.guildID, userID: this.userID})
console.log('foo 2')
function queryDatabase(payload) {
connection.getConnection((sqlerr, con) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
con.query(`(My mysql query)`, (err, rows, fields) => {
if(err) reject(err);
I found out the issue thanks to John, I put the promise in getConnection isntead of queryDatabase, so the function wasn't returning anything, thank you all for the help <3