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Return False on empty cells when checking if file or directory exists in UDF

Given sample Excel data in the format:

filepath test
C:\file.txt =PERSONAL.XLSB!checkExists(A2)
C:\dir\file.txt TRUE
C:\fake_dir FALSE
C:\fake_dir\file.txt FALSE
  • A1 and A2 are headers
  • The values in A2 and A3 are filepaths that exist
  • A4 is a directory that does not exist
  • A5 is a file that cannot exist because its directory does not exist
  • A6 is blank
  • B2 just shows how I'm calling the formula (it's saved in my PERSONAL.XLSB project container thing)

I want to run the following User-Defined Formula, called checkExists; this uses DIR to check the value in a given cell to see if that directory or file exists, and returns a boolean.

Public Function checkExists(path As String) As Boolean

'   Check if string is empty
    If (IsEmpty(path) = False) Then

'       Check if file/dir exists
        If ((Dir(path, vbNormal + vbDirectory)) <> vbNullString = False) Then
'           String is not empty, and file/dir exists; return True
            checkExists = True

'           File does not exist; return False
            checkExists = False
        End If
'       String is empty; return False
        checkExists = False
    End If

End Function

I'm struggling with getting it to recognise that a given cell is blank -- such as A6 here. The formula as written returns TRUE here, when I need FALSE.

I realise I'm passing it a String, and there is probably another object type I need to pass it, such as a Range or Variant... but I can't work out how to get those object types to work with my code. I also don't know if using both vbNormal (files) and vbDirectory (directories) is causing an issue. I've looked up calling things like ActiveCell, {Range}.Address, and so on, but I'm stuck.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.


  • Check If File or Folder Exist Using Dir

    Using Len

    Public Function checkExists(fPath As String) As Boolean
    '   Check if the length of the string is greater than 0
        If Len(fPath) > 0 Then
    '       Check if the length of 'Dir' is greater than 0
            If Len(Dir(fPath, vbNormal + vbDirectory)) > 0 Then
    '           File/dir exists; return True
                checkExists = True
    '           File does not exist; checkExists is False by default
                'checkExists = False
            End If
    '       The length of the string is 0; checkExists is False by default
            'checkExists = False
        End If
    End Function


    Using Len

    Public Function checkExistsLen(fPath As String) As Boolean
        If Len(fPath) > 0 Then
            If Len(Dir(fPath, vbNormal + vbDirectory)) > 0 Then
                checkExists = True
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    Using vbNullString or ""

    Public Function checkExists(fPath As String) As Boolean
        If fPath <> "" Then
            If Dir(fPath, vbNormal + vbDirectory) <> "" Then
                checkExists = True
            End If
        End If
    End Function