I'm looking for someone to give me a basic understanding and direction regarding pancakeswap forking. I cloned pancake-swap's periphery repository from github and in its contracts it imports "@uniswap/v2-core/contracts/interfaces/IPancakeFactory.sol" for example. When I install uniswap a tutorial on forking pancakeswap but it is very vague and doesn't seem to help me. Any help will be highly appreciated. Also why are there 2 router files instead of one.
I am also following this guy's Uniswap tutorial and ran into the same problem. Check out what some of the other pancakeswap clones did - for example ApeSwap (https://github.com/ApeSwapFinance/apeswap-swap-periphery/tree/master/contracts)
They created their own IApePair and IApeFactory in interfaces of the periphery folder and just import those files.