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How to find all paths in a graph that start with some initial partial path?

There is the following part of the code:

SimpleDirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge> multigraph = new SimpleDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);
multigraph.addEdge("a", "b");
multigraph.addEdge("b", "c");
multigraph.addEdge("c", "1");


gradle: implementation group: 'org.jgrapht', name: 'jgrapht-core', version: '1.5.1'

I also have only a part of the path ("abc"). And I need to get on this part all possible paths that include this part, that is, in this case: "abc1".


How can i do this? AsSubgraph, AllDirectedPaths, GraphWalk, BFSShortestPath - this all does not give the desired result, it just outputs the part that I know.

Thanks in advance.


  • From what I understand, you are looking to find all paths in a graph that start with some initial partial path p1=[v_1,v_2,...,v_n]. To do so, we must find every path p2 that starts at vertex v_n (the last vertex of p1) and ends in some other vertex not yet visited by p1. There are two alternative ways to accomplish this:

    1. Run a shortest path algorithm from vertex v_n in a graph that does not contain any of the vertices in p1 except v_n.
    2. Run a BFS from vertex v_n in a graph that does not contain any of the vertices in p1 except v_n.

    Both solutions in code:

    public static void shortestPathSolution(){
        Graph<String, DefaultEdge> graph=getGraph();
        List<String> partialPathP1=List.of("a","b","c"); //some partial path
        String source=partialPathP1.get(partialPathP1.size()-1); //the last vertex of P1
        List<List<String>> completePaths = new ArrayList<>();
        //To prevent P2 from revisiting vertices in P1, create a graph which hides all but the last vertex in P1.
        Set<String> vertexSubset=new HashSet<>(graph.vertexSet());
        Graph<String,DefaultEdge> inducedSubgraph = new AsSubgraph<>(graph, vertexSubset);
        //Find the shortest paths from the end of P1 to all reachable vertices in the graph
        ShortestPathAlgorithm.SingleSourcePaths<String,DefaultEdge> shortestPaths=new DijkstraShortestPath<>(inducedSubgraph).getPaths(source);
        //Iterate over the reachable vertices and construct all extensions
        for(String vertex : inducedSubgraph.vertexSet()){
            if(vertex.equals(source)) continue;
            GraphPath<String, DefaultEdge> gp = shortestPaths.getPath(vertex);
            if(gp == null) continue; //No path exists from the end of P1 to the given vertex
            //Obtain path P2
            List<String> partialPathP2 = gp.getVertexList();
            //Construct path P by concatenating P1 and P2
            List<String> pathP = new ArrayList<>(partialPathP1);
            pathP.addAll(partialPathP2.subList(1, partialPathP2.size()));
    public static void bfsSolution(){
        Graph<String, DefaultEdge> graph = getGraph();
        List<String> partialPathP1 = List.of("a", "b", "c"); //some partial path
        String source = partialPathP1.get(partialPathP1.size() - 1); //the last vertex of P1
        List<List<String>> completePaths = new ArrayList<>();
        //To prevent P2 from revisiting vertices in P1, create a graph which hides all but the last vertex in P1.
        Set<String> vertexSubset = new HashSet<>(graph.vertexSet());
        Graph<String, DefaultEdge> inducedSubgraph = new AsSubgraph<>(graph, vertexSubset);
        //Run a BFS from the source vertex. Each time a new vertex is encountered, construct a new path.
        BreadthFirstIterator<String, DefaultEdge> bfs = new BreadthFirstIterator<>(inducedSubgraph, source);
            //Create path P2 that ends in the vertex by backtracking from the new vertex we encountered
            Stack<String> partialPathP2 = new Stack<>();
            while(vertex != null) {
            partialPathP2.pop(); //Remove the source vertex
            List<String> pathP = new ArrayList<>(partialPathP1.size()+partialPathP2.size());
    public static Graph<String,DefaultEdge> getGraph(){
        Graph<String, DefaultEdge> graph = new SimpleDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);
        Graphs.addAllVertices(graph, List.of("a","b","c","1","2","3"));
        graph.addEdge("a", "b");
        graph.addEdge("b", "c");
        graph.addEdge("c", "1");
        graph.addEdge("c", "2");
        graph.addEdge("1", "3");
        graph.addEdge("2", "3");
        return graph;


    [[a, b, c], [a, b, c, 1], [a, b, c, 2], [a, b, c, 1, 3]]

    Note: For performance reasons, it is always best to choose the graph type that best suits your application. If you don't need self-loops and multiple edges, instead of choosing a DirectedPseudograph, it would be better to use a SimpleDirectedGraph.