I'm using selenium-java to launch a Google Chrome window and load a website. I would like to add cookies to the session, but I get an exception: org.openqa.selenium.InvalidCookieDomainException
The Code:
import java.util.Date;
import org.openqa.selenium.Cookie;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Date tomorrow = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 3600 * 1000);
Cookie cookie = new Cookie.Builder("lang", "en")
The last line results in the invalid cookie domain
I have tried multiple variations and different domains. What am I doing wrong here? Note: without adding the cookie, the webpage loads just fine.
, Chrome Version 126.0.6478.182
, openjdk 21.0.3
, org.seleniumhq.selenium;selenium-java;4.23.0
Try removing the dot at the beginning of the domain field. e.g.
should be .domain("example.com")
In addition, you'll need to set the cookie after visiting the site. So call driver.manage().addCookie(cookie);
after driver.get("http://example.com");
This is required by the webdriver which validates that you are on the same domain you are setting the cookie for. See here: https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#add-cookie