I am trying to access a public typedef defined in the base (A) class from the inherited class (B).
But I still need to qualify the typename with A.
Is there a syntax to explicitely make mytype
available to B without resorting to redundant trickery ?
template <typename T>
class A {
typedef T mytype;
template <typename T>
class B : public A<T> {
/* This seems redundant */
typename A<T>::mytype foo(typename A<T>::mytype x) {
return x;
/* This is also redundant but would make bar below work*/
// typedef typename A<T>::mytype mytype;
/* This feels natural but does not work */
mytype bar(mytype x) {
return x;
The reason for this is that unqualified lookup doesn’t find members of dependent base classes.
One solution would be to make the lookup qualified:
typename B::mytype
In order not to type this every time you can introduce an alias into B:
using mytype = typename B::mytype;