I want to develop a simple network programm and want to use TcpChannel in VS Community 2017, but that doesn't work because of missing Type/Namespace "System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp" what I found in several online tutorials. I also can't find a missing assembly that I could add to my project.
The errormessage is "Error CS0234 The type- or namespacename "Tcp" is in Namespace "System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels" not available. (Maybe missing assembly reference.)"
I'm working with a german VS, I translated the message, maybe in original it is slightly different.
As per my understanding you have to do following.
Make sure that project framework setting is correct. I assume that you have check with 4.6.1
Make sure you have added reference of System.Runtime.Remoting (System.Runtime.Remoting.dll) assembly reference.
If this is true that it is good to go for TcpChannel.