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Create a Function that displays N or P depending on integer entered

Yo! so I'm starting to learn how to code on my own and for this exercise I have to create a function that displays ’N’ or ’P’ depending on the integer’s sign entered as a parameter. If n is negative, display ’N’. If n is positive or null, display ’P’. I've managed to do that and come up with a main that works. ALLOWED FUNCTION IS WRITE (no atoi etc)

void    ft_is_negative(int n)
    if (n >= 0)
        write(1, "P", 1);
        write(1, "N", 1);

   int  main()
    int i;

    i = 200;

However I've been trying to get used to using arguments in my main but I've been struggling to get a working main when I use them. Here, with this one I simply get the carriage ("\n"), and I just can't figure out why (it's probably obvious but I can't see it). Thanks for the help in advance, if you don't directly want to give me the answer that's fine just point me in the right direction please.

void    ft_is_negative(int n)
    if (n >= 0)
        write(1, "P", 1);
        write(1, "N", 1);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc != 2)
        while (argv[1])
    write(1, "\n", 1);
    return 0;


    • if (argc != 2) is wrong. If you want to check if exactly 1 argument is given, it should be if (argc == 2).
    • while (argv[1]) is wrong. It may be an infinite loop because argv[1] is not updated in the loop.

    To check if the passed value is negative, you should check:

    • If the first character is -
    • There are character other than 0 after that
    • There are no invalid characters

    It can be done like this:

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        if (argc == 2)
            char* p = argv[1];
            int is_minus = 0, contain_nonzero = 0, contain_invalid = 0, contain_valid = 0;
            if (*p == '-')
                is_minus = 1;
            else if (*p == '+')
            for (; *p != '\0'; p++)
                if ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9')
                    contain_valid = 1;
                    if (*p != '0') contain_nonzero = 1;
                    contain_invalid = 1;
            if (contain_invalid || !contain_valid)
                /* contain invalid character or no character (except for sign) */
                write(1, "invalid", 7);
            else if (is_minus && contain_nonzero)
                /* contain minus sign and nonzero digit */
                /* contain digit, positive or zero (including minus zero) */
        write(1, "\n", 1);
        return 0;