I'm currently new angular, so if there is any mistake in my implementation then please let me know,
This my HTML code from component.html file
<table id="table">
<th>Phone Number</th>
<tr *ngFor = " let i of counter()">
<td></td> <!-- To print the serial number here -->
<button (click)="delete()" ><img src="./assets/icon/trash.png"></button>
Here is code for counter() from component.ts file
counter() {
//Implementation is remaining,
return new Array(20);
The counter is supposed to return a value, the value is to be captured by the html file in the *ngFor
directive and based on that it should create the required number of rows. Then I wanted to display the serial number in the first column of the table.
According to the code above I'm able to get 20 rows.
Note:- I have seen the solution in CSS and doesn't wish to implement until its the only option left.
My question is that how do I get the serial number there.
From my understanding i
in the *ngFor
directive should starts from zero so, is there anyway to directly display the value of i
it self.
I'll be very glad if you can help me learn and correct my mistake.
Thank you in advance.
Yes you can loop it as simple dont know what your serial no is, if its from array then just use CounterArr.Serial_No
<tr *ngFor = " let CounterArr of counter();let i = index;">
<button (click)="delete()" ><img src="./assets/icon/trash.png"></button>