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How to verify a Dictionary parameter?

I am using the Moq framework.

Given is the following code:

public interface ISomeInterface
    SomeResult DoWork( ISomeContainer foo, Dictionary<string, object> bar );

[ Test ]
public void SomeTest()
    Mock<ISomeInterface> mock = new Mock<ISomeInterface>();
    mock.Setup( m => m.DoWork( It.IsAny<ISomeContainer>(), It.IsAny<Dictionary<string, object>>() ) );

    new Cut( mock ).DoSomething();

    mock.Verify( m => m.DoWork( It.Is<ISomeContainer>( c => c.SomeValue == "foo" ), It.Is<Dictionary<string, object>>( d => ??? ) ) );

I know how to verify the properties of an interface parameter (ISomeContainer), but how is this possible with a Dictionary?

I would like to verify that the DoWork method is called with a simple Dictionary that contains only one key-value-pair KeyA + ValueA.


  • It.Is anticipates a delegate where the parameter is the current value and the return type bool.

    So, in your case: Func<Dictionary<string, object>, bool>

    In order to test your assumptions you can create the following helper method:

    private static bool AssertBar(Dictionary<string, object> bar)
        Assert.Equal("KeyA", bar.Keys.Single());
        Assert.Equal("ValueA", bar.Values.Single());
        return true;

    then you can call the Verify like this:

     m => m.DoWork(
        It.Is<ISomeContainer>(c => AssertFoo(c)), 
        It.Is<Dictionary<string, object>>(d => AssertBar(d))),