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How to bind text response to json and put in object on a declarative client on micronaut?

I made my declarative http client on my app built in micronaut. This need to consume a services which responds with text/html type.

I manage to get a list but with LinkedHashMap inside. And I want them to be objects of Pharmacy

My question is: how I can transform that response into a List of object?

public interface PharmacyClient {
    Flowable<List<Pharmacy>> retrieve();
public class StoreService {

    private final PharmacyClient pharmacyClient;

    public StoreService(PharmacyClient pharmacyClient) {
        this.pharmacyClient = pharmacyClient;

    public Flowable<List<Store>> all() {
        Flowable<List<Pharmacy>> listFlowable = this.pharmacyClient.retrieve();
        return listFlowable
                .doOnError(throwable -> log.error(throwable.getLocalizedMessage()))
                .flatMap(pharmacies ->
                        Flowable.just( // here is a list of LinkedHashMap and i'd like to user Pharmacy objects
                                .map(pharmacy -> Store.builder().borough(pharmacy.getBoroughFk()).build())



  • I ended up with this.

    public interface PharmacyClient {
        @Get(value = "${services.path}?${services.param}=${services.value}")
        Flowable<Pharmacy[]> retrieve();
    public class StoreService {
        private final PharmacyClient pharmacyClient;
        public StoreService(PharmacyClient pharmacyClient) {
            this.pharmacyClient = pharmacyClient;
        public Flowable<List<Store>> all() {
            Flowable<Pharmacy[]> flowable = this.pharmacyClient.retrieve();
            return flowable
                    .switchMap(pharmacies ->
                    ).doOnError(throwable -> log.error(throwable.getLocalizedMessage()));

    Still I want to know if i can change arrays to list in the declarative client.
    Meanwhile i think this it's a good option.


    I have been wrong all this time. First of all I don't need to add a list to the flowable because when the framework exposes the service it responds with a list of elements already. So finally I did this:

    public interface PharmacyClient {
        @Get(value = "${services.path}?${services.param}=${services.value}")
        Flowable<Pharmacy> retrieve();
    public class StoreService {
        private final PharmacyClient pharmacyClient;
        public StoreService(PharmacyClient pharmacyClient) {
            this.pharmacyClient = pharmacyClient;
        public Flowable<Store> all() {
            Flowable<Pharmacy> flowable = this.pharmacyClient.retrieve();
            return flowable
                    .doOnError(throwable -> log.error(throwable.getLocalizedMessage()));

    As we can see the http client automatically transform the text/html data into json and it parses it well. I don't know why really. Maybe @JeffScottBrown can gives us some hints.