I'm working on an application that has a 'login' for clients to connect to their webmail or other services that are hosted by another company on a remote server.
What is the best way to provide the login on the site I'm developing and get users verified before passing them on to the other site where their other services can be found?
I'm using CF9 in a shared hosting environment. The other services are running in a PHP environment. Is there a tutorial I haven't found on this sort of thing?
Thank you in advance for any guidance.
I think I understand what you're attempting to do and the answer is no, you can't do that unfortunately (sorry I know that's not the answer you're looking for).
So, for example, you could write a form, that lets the user put in their login information, and then you log them into ebay automatically.
The issue here is that in order to do that login process, the server would be the client that is logging in, not the user (meaning you couldn't log in two users of your site at the same time, because the server would be logged into the session with ebay as either one user or the other).
Now, you might decide even that is okay as long as you can log in and out to perform functions, for example, an auto-bidding system for ebay. The issue you'l run into is that 1) the site you're logging into will probably not like it, easily detect it, and stop you and 2) the http session won't be maintained like a real browser and is easily blocked, for example, no javascript would run.
The tags you would use are <cfhttp>
- using this, you can get pages and post form values as if the server itself was making those requests. -with the above considerations of course