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Redirect output to another form

I have a WinForms application with two forms - Form1 and Form2. I have a loop in Form1 that sends emails. I would like to send the status messages from the loop in Form1 to a RichTextBox in Form2. How can I accomplish this? Any feedback is appreciated.


  • The solution depends on the relation between the two forms: does Form1 know about Form2, for instance because Form1 created Form2?

    class Form1 : Form
        private Form2 Form2 {get; set;}
        private void CreateForm2()
            this.Form2 = new Form2;
        private void SendStatusMessage(StatusMessage message)

    If Form1 does not know about Form2, but Form2 knows about Form1, then you should change Form1 such, that it sends events whenever a Status message is available.

    public class EventStatusMessageArgs : EventArgs
        public StatusMessage Message { get; set; }
    class Form1 : Form
        public Event EventHandler<EventStatusMessageArgs> StatusMessageCreated;
        protected virtual void OnStatusMessageCreated(StatusMessage statusMessage)
             var eventHandler = new EventStatusMessageArgs
                  SatusMessage = statusMessage;
             this.StatusMessageCreated?.Invoke(this, eventHandler);
        private void CreateStatusMessage(...)
            StatusMessage statusMessage = ...
    class Form2 : Form
        // Form2 somehow knows about existence Form1
        public Form1 Form1 {get; set;}
        public void OnFormLoading (object sender, ...)
             // subscribe to events from Form1:
             this.Form1.StatusMessageCreated += this.OnForm1CreatedStatusMessage;
        public void OnForm1CreatedStatusMessage(object sender, EventStatusMessageArgs args)
             StatusMessage createdStatusMessage = args.StatusMessage;

    Third scenario: Form1 and Form2 don't know about each others existence. Luckily mainForm who created Form1 and Form2 does:

    class MainForm : Form
        private readonly Form1 form1;
        private readonly Form2 form2;
        public MainForm()
            this.form1 = new Form1() {...};
            this.form2 = new Form2() {...};
            // make sure that the StatusMessage events from form1 go to form2:
            this.form1.StatusMessageCreated += this.form2.OnForm1CreatedStatusMessage;

    By the way: always unsubscribe from the events when the item is Disposed.