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Silverlight 4 Unit Testing

I've installed Silverlight 4 Toolkit April 2010 and have VS 2010 RTM but Silverlight 4 Unit Test Project template is not installed.

Is it by default for this release? If so, how can I use SL4 unit testing?



  • Solution: The Silverlight 4 Toolkit installer placed the item templates and project templates for the SilverLight Unit Test in c:/program files/microsoft visual studio 10.0/common7/ide, regardless of your actual VS2010 install root.

    The upshot is that if your VS2010 installation did not use the default c:/program files/microsoft visual studio 10.0/..., the project and item templates would be in the wrong place after the SL4 install.

    The fix would be :

    1) Copy the corresponding .zip files 
       from c:\program files\...\common7\ide\... 
       to ?your installpath?\common7\ide\...
       Silverlight Unit Test Framework has templates for CSharp and VisualBasic.
       For example :
       common7\ide\itemtemplates\CSharp\silverlight\1033\Silverlight Unit Test
       common7\ide\projecttemplates\CSharp\silverlight\1033\Silverlight Unit Test
    2) Use the VS command prompt to install the templates with the command :
       devenv /installvstemplates

    Now, when you open a New Project in VS2010, you should see the "Silverlight Unit Test application" in the ?Lang?/Silverlight tab of the "Installed Templates" section.

    Hope this helps,