I am populating textboxes with information from a particular node based on it's ConfirmNum
. Then when all info is updated, I am saving information (by a submit button) back to the particular node.
However, upon saving, every node in the XML file that was empty drops down to another line.
Example XML Before Save:
My code (below) will save the information for that node, based on the Page.aspx?CID=1234
number. However, every node in the entire XML file that was blank, will now have a line break in it. Not just the Txn
we just edited, but all.
Here is my code:
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
XmlDocument item = new XmlDocument();
if (CID != "")
XmlNode xlist = item.SelectSingleNode("OnlineBanking/Transactions/Txn[ConfirmNum=" + CID + "]");
if (xlist != null)
xlist.ChildNodes.Item(0).InnerText = tbLogin.Text;
xlist.ChildNodes.Item(1).InnerText = tbUserName.Text;
xlist.ChildNodes.Item(2).InnerText = tbCustomerName.Text;
Example XML After Save:
Note how the <login>
is on another line than </login>
. This is what I am talking about. Hope someone can see clearly what I am not doing.
Try setting the PreserveWhitespace property to True and see if it will stop inserting line breaks upon calling Save:
XmlDocument item = new XmlDocument();
item.PreserveWhitespace = true;