All the time I get an error calling req.body is undefined, but I included body-parser in my middlewares. I use it like it should be used, at least I think I do because I get the warning
'body-parser' is deprecated
Is it correct initialization of body-parser? Why do I get that error?
I just added bodyParser to my route middleware, and now it works. Can someone explain why it work only that way, when none of tutorials do it like this?
doesn't work:
app.use('/api/users', authRoute)
app.use('/api/users', bodyParser.json(), authRoute)
It was because I defined middlewares below route middlewares, I didn't know order matters, maybe not only me so I leave this edit
So the problem was I defined middlewares below route middlewares, I didn't know order matters, maybe not only me so I leave this solution for someone who's going to get this problem in a future