I am trying to fetch unique objects from an array which may have duplicate objects. I have tried new Set and new Map but i still haven't gotten my result.
For example i have the following array of objects
const myArray = [{ x: 10, y: 22}, { x: 11, y: 22}, { x: 12, y: 22}, { x: 12, y: 22}, { x: 12, y: 23}];
console.log([...new Set(myArray.map((item) => item.x && item.y ))]) // [22, 23]
when i want this
[{ x: 10, y: 22}, { x: 11, y: 22}, { x: 12, y: 22}, { x: 12, y: 23}];
it should remove the fourth object in myArray, since it is repeating
You can use reduce for that along with some:
const myArray = [{ x: 10, y: 22}, { x: 11, y: 22}, { x: 12, y: 22}, { x: 12, y: 22}, { x: 12, y: 23}];
const Filtered = [];
const filterDuplicates = myArray.reduce((arr, el) => {
if(!arr.some(current => current.x === el.x && current.y === el.y)) {
return arr;
}, Filtered);