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Is JMeter Dashboard not able to create chart with small users?

First of all, I've been only using JMeter for few days so excuse my ignorance. Recently I'm creating dashboard for each test runs.

Here's my thread group set up..

enter image description here

sh jmeter  -n -t ./sample_jmeter.jmx -l ./sample_jmeter.jtl -e -o ./sample_dashboard

By running this command, jmeter generates dashboard apparently. However chart only visible when I run with 200+ virtual users. When I'm dealing with 20 or 50 users graphic charts from dashboard looks weird. (I didn't change any of the properties from JMeter.)

enter image description here


  • You have:

    1. Test duration of 30 seconds
    2. Dashboard default granularity of 1 minute

    If you want to see "charts" rather than "dots" you need to:

    • either increase the duration of your test to be at least 2 minutes

    • or decrease the granularity to i.e. 1 second, the relevant setting is jmeter.reportgenerator.overall_granularity and you can set it i.e. in file:


    More information: