I call an API and put the response into a collection (thought it was a good idea) to reder it like a eloquent collection with a foreach in the blade
My trait:
class AzureRest
public static function getSubscription($subscriptionId)
$token = TokenCache::getRestApiToken();
$url = "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/".$subscriptionId."?api-version=2020-01-01";
$json = Http::withToken($token)->get($url);
return collect(json_decode($json, true, 5))->all();
my livewire controller
class ShowSubscriptions extends Component
public $subscriptionId;
public function mount()
public function render()
return view('livewire.azure.show-subscriptions',
'details' => AzureRest::getSubscription($this->subscriptionId)
my blade
@foreach($details as $detail)
this is how the collection looks like:
I should better sleep more, I finally got it:
I removed the collection on the trait
- return collect(json_decode($json, true, 5))->all();
+ return json_decode($json, true, 5);
and access the array as usual
Happy coding ;)