I created locally a small multithreaded parsing application just to get acquainted with multithreading and jsoup parser library.
On the server I installed java as it was described in this question/answer "How to install the Sun Java JDK on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)?".
Here are my source files:
It was really easy to launch this application via IDE, but how to do it via terminal with *.jar library I don't know.
Thanks to everyone who can help.
Did you package your application as an executable jar file using your IDE? If so, then running it in a terminal might be as simple as:
java -jar MyProgram.jar
or even just double-clicking the jar file.
To learn how to package your program as an executable jar file, see this tutorial: Packaging Programs in JAR Files.
The manifest file in the jar file should contain an attribute that looks like this:
Main-Class: test.parsing.ParseArtCoderExample