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why header cells are not aligned with the body cells?

rowData: any = [];rowModelType = 'serverSide'; defaultColDef: any = { width: 50, sortable: true, resizable: true, }; columnDefs: any = [];rowSelection = 'single'; public getRowHeight: any; private paramRefreshAgGrid: any; private gridColumnApi: any; private gridApi: any; constructor() { this.gridOption() } gridOption() { this.columnDefs = [ { headerName: 'نوع ارز',field: 'currencyCode',width: 200, },{ headerName: 'خرید',field: 'buyEts', width: 200, }, { headerName: 'انتخاب', field: 'sellEts2', width: 200, }, { headerName: 'خرید', field: 'buyEts3', width: 200, }, { headerName: 'انتخاب', field: 'sellEts',width: 200, }, { headerName: 'خرید اضافه', field: 'buyExternalCheque', width: 200 } ,{ headerName: 'مبلغ', field: 'buyMoney', width: 200,}, ]; } onGridReady(params: any) { const $this = this; if (params) { this.gridApi = params.api;this.gridColumnApi = params.columnApi; this.paramRefreshAgGrid = params; } const datasource = { getRows(params: any) { const data: any = [ {currencyCode: 'Ford2', buyEts: 'Mondeo', sellEts: 32000, sellEts2: 32000 , sellEts3: 32000 , buyExternalCheque: 500 , buyMoney: 100000}, ] params.successCallback(data,; $this.gridApi.sizeColumnsToFit(); } }; if (params) { params.api.setServerSideDatasource(datasource); } }

  style="width: 100%;"
  [ngStyle]="{'height': '50vh'  }"

I use the "ag-grid-angular": "20.2.0", in Angular 11 when I scroll the header The header cells are not aligned with the body cells.enter image description here

What solution do you have to fix this error? thanks !!


  • Version 20.2.0 of ag-grid-angular is 2 years old. Try installing the latest version of ag-grid-community and ag-grid-angular - I would also delete node_modules folder afterwards and do a clean npm install

    This may solve the problem (or at least narrow it down)

    Note You should highlight in the question that the issue is only occurring in Chrome