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Unity - WWWForm not posting variables

I have this working just fine in one project however in a second project my _POST variables are blank. Thoughts?

IEnumerator GetClub()
         Debug.Log("GetClub: - START");
         WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
         form.AddField("state", "TX");
         form.AddField("author", "MYNAME");
         UnityWebRequest res = UnityWebRequest.Post(getGlubsURL, form);
         yield return res.SendWebRequest();

and the php file is a simple

 echo "MADE IT  ";
 echo "author: [" . $_POST['author'] . "] ";
 echo "state: [" . $_POST['state'] . "]";

and console in unity is:

MADE IT author: [] state: [] UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)

This works fine in POSTMAN so not sure why Unity Forms are not passing POST variables?


  • I've been through a similar problem; $_POST is empty in general.

    Then I found out that the URL was "HTTP://", not "HTTP://". That last "/" is important apparently because without it, you'd get a "PAGE MOVED PERMANENTLY" error then redirect you to "HTTP://" discarding previous POST request.